Portsmouth Snow Removal offers competitive, high quality snow removal and snow plowing rates for property managers, commercial and multi-unit properties. We go the extra mile to over deliver and not over charge. Pre-storm preparation, real time monitoring and service, as well as follow-ups after weather has passed are standard with Portsmouth Snow Removal Services.

We always keep our clients informed and updated to changes in the weather and service schedule. Homeowners and property managers will have the ability to reach our dispatch team via cell phone call or text anytime, most importantly during the storm.

Private Properties & Complexes

At Portsmouth Snow Removal, we specialize in commercial snow management for businesses, private homes, compounds, and condominium complexes. We understand that these properties require even more special attention to detail. Portsmouth Snow Removal works closely with property managers and business owners to get the job done right, the first time.  

De-icing Salting & Sanding Treatments

Portsmouth Snow Removal provides our client's with effective de-icing solutions customized to suit their needs. Whether a property has a large parking lot, pedestrian walkways and staircases, or salt-sensitive plantings we will customize a deicing plan specific to the application.  

Roof Shoveling & Snow Management

Snow build up on a roof or deck can quickly become an expensive problem. Leaking and structural damage can easily be avoided though a few simple practices. Portsmouth Snow Removal is experienced in closely monitoring problematic areas and dealing with potential situations before they become problems.